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Thursday, 22 October 2015



Jewelry - Kiara | Nose Ring - own

Photography by Nikkhil Bareli
Styling & Modelling by Naznin Suhaer

There are so many unpublished posts that I'm in the process of sharing with you and so many concepts on my mind that are waiting to see the light of day. The self created pressure of accomplishing tasks, being creative and fighting against the odds has been quite daunting, yet extremely interesting and satisfying.
From appearing for medical entrance exams to studying biotechnology to working in multi-national companies and starting something in fashion and again going back to the corporate world, life has been a carousel of sorts. But fashion is something I always keep coming back to. Maybe this is where I belong. There is always an urge to come up with something new, to do better than what I did yesterday. Compete with no one but myself. But sometimes things get extremely challenging. As challenging as defying gravity with very limited resources available around. And probably that's the reason why my work gives me immense amount of satisfaction. I love the the fact that this space is wholly solely under my control. Where money is not the driving factor, but creativity is. 
Talking about this story, this was my second project with Nikkhil Bareli (after this one) and Kiara was the brand that came to my mind when Nikkhil shared the idea of working on something like this. I instantly fell in love with their jewelry when I first came across their Facebook page. Kiara is for the woman who is elegant yet loves to explore her edgy side. For someone who loves to create a ‘style statement’. Each piece is beautifully handcrafted with lot of precision and is timeless so you can wear them on different occasions for years together. If you're someone who likes gold tones with a bit of quirkiness, Kiara is for you. This post is quite different from the work I've done so far. It unveils a dark story which portrays beauty in its crude form and I couldn’t have had a better brand to feature to add the Midas touch to this story. Glad.

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